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GitHub Copilot Integrates GPT-4 and Adds Chat and Voice Support

GitHub’s Copilot system is receiving a significant upgrade, incorporating OpenAI’s GPT-4 model and introducing chat and voice support. The new features will enable the programmer to understand, explain, and suggest changes to code as well as fix bugs.

Enhanced AI Assistance in Code Editors

The revamped Copilot chat experience allows the AI assistant to provide more advanced support than just auto-complete comments and coding. The chatbot can now analyze code for security vulnerabilities, explain how code blocks work, and assist in rewriting or commenting parts of the codebase. It can be accessed through the integrated development environment (IDE) sidebar.

In-Code Chat Interface and Voice Commands

GitHub is working on an inline chat interface that lets users ask prompts directly within the code, allowing for seamless interaction. The voice functionality will also allow developers to use voice commands for Copilot queries and code suggestions, making the coding process even more accessible.

Using OpenAI Models for Speed and Accuracy

GitHub is using a combination of OpenAI models like Codex for faster responses in the editor and GPT-4 for more accurate chat responses. This ensures developers get the best of both speed and accuracy when working with Copilot.

AI-Generated Answers for Code Documentation

GitHub Copilot will offer AI-generated answers for code documentation, covering React, Azure docs, and MDN. It will use AI to scan open-source repositories, keeping the chat interface more up-to-date than GPT-4’s training data.

Expanding Copilot to Pull Requests

Copilot will also be available for pull requests, helping developers create AI-generated descriptions and generate tests. Tags will be auto-completed based on the changed code, and developers can review and edit them.

Command Line Interface Integration

GitHub Copilot is being integrated into the command line interface (CLI), assisting developers in writing and executing commands. Initially available in Microsoft’s Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code apps during the technical preview, the Copilot system will eventually be expanded to other IDEs.

For more information check out GitHub’s post here:

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