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Peering into GPT-4’s Blind Spots: A Student’s Exploration of ChatGPT Jailbreaks

Student Exposes GPT-4 Vulnerabilities

OpenAI’s recently released GPT-4 language model was found to have exploitable vulnerabilities by Alex Albert, a University of Washington computer science student. Albert demonstrated on Twitter how GPT-4 could be manipulated to generate instructions for hacking a computer, raising concerns about the security risks of increasingly advanced AI systems. You can check out Alex’s website at the bottom of this article.

The Motivation Behind Jailbreaking AI

Albert explains that he got into jailbreaking AI models like GPT-4 for fun and to encourage others to find vulnerabilities. He aims to expose biases in fine-tuned models and foster conversations about AI outside the usual circles. He believes that discovering and discussing these vulnerabilities now is essential as AI continues to evolve.

Methods for Bypassing GPT-4’s Guidelines

Although Albert doesn’t have a specific framework for circumventing GPT-4’s safety mechanisms, he uses techniques like splitting adversarial prompts into pieces and creating complex simulations to get around filters. These methods require more thought and effort compared to earlier models.

Jailbreaks: A Continuous Process

When asked why he continues creating jailbreaks despite OpenAI patching the exploits, Albert simply states that more vulnerabilities are waiting to be discovered. He emphasizes that AI security is a constant cat-and-mouse game, with more advanced models requiring increasingly creative approaches.

Ethical Implications of Jailbreaking AI

Albert believes that the current safety and risk concerns with GPT-4 are overplayed but stresses the importance of discussing AI alignment and the values deduced by AI models behind closed doors. He calls for a mainstream discourse on the societal implications of advanced AI models as they continue to develop.

AI Community’s Response and Public Discourse

Albert hopes his GPT-4 jailbreak will inspire others to think creatively about AI exploits and engage the broader public in discussions about AI’s capabilities and limitations. He emphasizes the importance of including the public in these conversations, rather than limiting them to the AI community.

Here are Alex’s six most salient quotes:

  1. “I got into jailbreaking because it’s a fun thing to do and it’s interesting to test these models in unique and novel ways.” – Alex Albert
  2. “I am trying to expose the biases of the fine-tuned model by the powerful base model.” – Alex Albert
  3. “Because there are more [jailbreaks] that exist out there waiting to be discovered.” – Alex Albert
  4. “The problem is not GPT-4 saying bad words or giving terrible instructions on how to hack someone’s computer… instead the problem is when GPT-4 is released and we are unable to discern its values since they are being deduced behind the closed doors of AI companies.” – Alex Albert
  5. “This jailbreak just goes to show that LLM security will always be a cat-and-mouse game.” – Alex Albert
  6. “The AI community should encapsulate the public at large.” – Alex Albert

Link to Alex’s website:

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